I started drawing in the evening as a way to relax and just to have some fun. At some point I drew a bird, some strange specimen that could only be a creature from paradise. Then apartment blocks appeared among some clouds. “Who lived in the apartment blocks?”, I asked myself. I drew doors on the top floor and megaphones blasting advertisements. All very weird. And while fantasizing of this place, my imagination suddenly heard a loud scream. “Where was this coming from?” I drew a pair of eyes peeking through a lamella. “Who’s eyes were these?”
After a while I came up with the idea of a dick man. A penis standing and walking on his balls. Man would that hurt. I imagined that the elevator of every apartment building would be out of order. He would have to walk the stairs. While I was picturing this, I started to laugh out loud: “Oh my god! Look at him go! Swearing as if his life depends on it!”
Over time this theme of the Dickman developed and more characters were added, like Princess VJJ and the Servants of the Holy Crotch. I had plans of turning this theme into a merch-line with t-shirts and tote bags and all that kind of stuff, that is until I saw the required investment to make this idea a reality.
In the end I decided to make a zine about it. This zine called Genesis documents the journey that went into creating the “Dickman”. It contains rough early sketches in which you can see the theme and style slowly start to crystalize.